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What I'd Wear Each Round of Recruitment

Hi fashion dolls, a lot has been going on recently! If you haven't heard, I'm living in Dallas, TX this summer and I'm interning with Koch! Koch is a women owned and operating clothing brand that is all produced in America. Working 9-5 as an unpaid intern can be tough, but it's taught me a lot and I'm having the best time! Learning about how the fashion industry works has been so interesting and it's inspired me to write a post about what I think everyone should be wearing each round of recruitment.

"I styled some of the my most full proof looks for confidence, compliments, and creativity"

I went through my recruitment process in August of 2021 at the University of Mississippi, a.k.a Ole Miss. Ole Miss known for being one of the more intense schools when it comes to Sorority Recruitment. So I styled some of the my most full proof looks for confidence, compliments, and creativity. I wanted to feel good, get noticed, and stand out!


Greek and Philanthropy Round

I'm not sure about the details of each round for each school, but I will explain the process for the Ole Miss girls. Our first day of the Recruitment process starts off with Greek Day, a virtual round. The PNM's (Potential New Members) all watch about a 5 minute long video made by each sorority explaining their values, fees, and requirements such as, GPA. Then, the PNMs will rank and cut two houses based off the videos. Since we don't visit houses on Greek day, and just spend it with our rush counselors and groups, it's considered a casual round. Every PNM will be provided with a Greek Day t-shirt which you can wear with any bottoms! For the girls going through a casual/virtual round, I suggest an athletic skirt and some type of sneakers. I wore a white lululemon skirt and Steve Madden sneakers so I could stay comfy, but still be dressed appropriately. If you're Greek Day round is in person, you can wear a snappy casual skirt, similar to what you'll also wear in your Philanthropy round!

"By providing a guide of what to wear, I'm hoping I can encourage confidence in these young women going through the recruitment process, wherever you may be!"

I know that the recruitment process can be scary for everyone. By providing a guide of what to wear, I'm hoping I can encourage confidence in these young women going through the recruitment process, wherever you may be. The skirts I've chosen are pieces that I picked out for the girls who want to be comfy, for the girls who want to make a fashion statement, for the girls who want to blend in. There's something for everyone among this list. If you don't see a style that speaks to you in this image, click on it, and you'll be sent to a link of all my recruitment pieces. I know at Ole Miss, because there's so many young women going through the recruitment process, Philanthropy round is stretched over two days. You'll go to different houses on each of these days, so if you decided to wear the same outfit both days, no one will know! However, if you decide to wear different skirts that's also okay! I chose to wear different skirts just to make the week a little more fun for me personally.


Sisterhood Round

During what's known as "Sisterhood round," which used to be referred to ask "Skit," you're asked to wear a casual dress. Someone told me that you should wear a dress that you'd wear to church. Meaning, don't show too much cleavage and try to steer away from spaghetti straps. It's not as big of a deal as you think, but the last thing you're going to want during your rounds, or hustling from house to house, is to be fidgeting with your dress. This was definitely a struggle for me because I'm short with large boobs, so I really struggled to find something that I'd feel extra confident in while following those standards. Luckily, I found two FULL PROOF dresses that I wear often to this day.

"The last thing you're going to want during your rounds, or hustling from house to house, is to be fidgeting with your dress"

It's great to follow these standards because you'll continue to wear these dresses to job interviews, dinner with his parents, and so many other places!

Shoes can be a little more challenging this round. You don't need to wear your best heels, but not everyone is going to be wearing sneakers. I suggest a sandal. It can be a platform, flat, or an espiderelle! I wore some heeled mules to one of my rounds, which was cute, but they were hard to walk in from house to house! Try to wear a short heel, or a wedge if you want some height! These are my chosen sisterhood looks! Click the picture to find links to the products!


Preference Round

Preference Round, also known as "Pref", is the most formal of all the rounds, mentally and physically. Most of the active members are going to be wearing black dresses of any length and high heels. It's not required that you wear black, but it is required that you wear a cocktail dress and heels. Dress like you're going to a nice restaurant. I personally wore red to my preference round, and I felt completely comfortable despite it being a bold color. You want to feel really comfortable in your skin this round because it's when you're going to have your most serious conversations with your final houses. I've linked some of my outfit choices below!

"You want to feel really comfortable in your skin this round because it's when you're going to have your most serious conversations with your final houses"


All in all, the recruitment process is a wonderful time to find your inner girly, and your true self. Don't pretend to be anyone you aren't, but have some fun dressing up! I promise that no one is judging you as hard as you're judging yourself, so try and let loose and embrace the anxiety because this experience only happens once!

To see more of what I might wear during recruitment, click blow!


Make sure you're following @feminine.punk on Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest for more content!

Also, if you haven't checked out the "SHOP" page on -- GO FOR IT! I've collected and curated so many seasonal pieces that I know you all will love under the "Summer Finds" tab. You can also select the "STYLE ME" button for personal styling!



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